
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Deacon Molina: Teen STAR helps youth know their God-given bodies
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Teen STAR helps youth understand "their fertility, their biomarkers and themselves through the self-discovery of their bodies and who they are" in the eyes of God, said Deacon Santiago Molina, executive director of Teen STAR, an educational program available in more than 46 countries.
"We like to call it...Theology of the Body, starting with the body," said Molina. "We know that kids in (7th to 10th grades) are still not quite in that age of abstract thinking. They're mostly concrete thinkers. So you give them the concrete facts of the biology of their bodies, allow them to experience the signs that their bodies give them for understanding who they are."
Teen STAR, taught separately to boys and girls for at least the first seven units, proceeds from anatomy and physiology to educate youth on the spirituality and meaning of the body, including Humanae Vitae and St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body, said Molina.
Teen STAR (Sexuality Teaching in the context of Adult Responsibility) was founded in 1980 by Sister Hanna Klaus, M.D., a Medical Missions Sister and OB/GYN.

Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Carrie Gress: Mother Mary the antidote to feminism
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Feminism, understood in the culture as “being pro-woman,” is really a “deadly combination of Marxism and the occult” with a focus on abortion, said Carrie Gress, Ph.D., author of the recent book, “The Anti-Mary Exposed: Rescuing the Culture from Toxic Femininity.”
Gress, editor of the online magazine Theology of Home, also describes the fallout from the roots of Protestantism, which “threw out Our Lady and they threw out religious orders for women, [which] kind of left women in this position where they don't have any way to understand how they can reach God and be in proper relationship with God.
“And that's where it comes back to, even these ideas of virginity and motherhood. Those are what are being attacked, very specifically. Which is no surprise: we call Our Lady the Virgin Mother. I think it underscores, too, just the importance of these two different ways that we know ourselves within a relationship with God the Father. And that's really what [feminism is] trying to destroy. If you can destroy motherhood, if you can destroy virginity...not only are you just destroying women, but you're destroying the family and the whole culture kind of falls like dominoes after that.”

Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Thane Bellomo: We Killed God, Family & Community – And Now it’s Killing Us
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Thane Bellomo, MBA - Organizational Development Innovator, Author, Speaker, Bass Player
Gun violence is a result of taking God, Family & Community out of society. Thane says the vast majority of people can barley count on one hand the number of people whose life would be altered by their passing. Suicide rates and drug abuse are up in our society and that is not because of guns. You can read Thane’s article at The Federalist.

Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
We talk about reproductive technology and the Churches teaching. One easy litmus test to determine whether a procedure is morally acceptable is if it replaces the martial act it is morally wrong and if it assists the marital act it is morally acceptable.
John lets us know that bioethical challenges don’t go away they seem to become more numerous. He also says People are paying 20 to 30k for woman to go through ones attempt at Invitro Fertilization (IVF)
A number of eggs are fertilized creating embryos only to have the best ones picked out while destroying the remaining fertilized embryos. It is a form of eugenics.
Children are good and innocent – They can suffer profoundly based on the decision of their parents. So before going down the road which can lead to many difficult emotional situations with the children later in life there is hope for those suffering with fertility issues. John provides a place to go to get help and have the fertility issue examined.

Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Olivia Enos – Policy Analyst, Asian Studies Center – Heritage Foundation
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Find out about the oppression of all faiths in China with a particular focus on the Uighurs (pronounced Weegers). Reeducation facilities, forced labor, torcher & brain washing.
Also learn how China spies not only on their own people but on people of other nations.

Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Dr. Theresa Deisher- Vaccines
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Learn about vaccines and what parents should know when it comes to protecting their child with vaccines and potentially from them.
If you have questions about fetal cell vaccines or the possible link to autism you need to listen to this podcast.

Friday Jul 26, 2019
Patrick Reilly – President and founder of the Cardinal Newman Society
Friday Jul 26, 2019
Friday Jul 26, 2019
Patrick and his staff do extensive research on the over 200 Catholic colleges in the U.S. to help parents identify the 10% of those colleges that are faithful to the teachings of the Church (Newman Guide). Our children are leaving the faith at an alarming rate and most studies show that the college years are the greatest threat to our children’s faith. Patrick says there is something about living on these campuses where you have 4 yrs. of thoroughly Catholic Christian culture. Our kids my never have that opportunity again to be in such a faithful environment. If you are a parent or grandparent of school age children you must listen to this podcast.

Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Dr. Berger tells us that the avg age of those starting to use marijuana is 8-12 yrs. old and getting younger. He says that 17% of adolescence who start using marijuana will become addicted to harder drugs. Some of the symptoms of marijuana use are; sudden mood swings, falling asleep at improper times, short term memory issues, glassy eyes and strange friends appearing and that is just to name a few. Listen to find out about the other dangers of this drug that our politicians are ignoring.

Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Liberty McArtor: Women with Kids are bad for business according to 180 CEO’s
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Liberty McArtor a freelance writer out of Texas talk about how these 180 and many other CEO’s are supporting abortion and don’t care about women’s empowerment.
She says there is a fertility crisis in the United States and many women aren’t having as many children as they would like. The CEO’s message to women is we want to hire more of you but we need to have abortions so women can make it at our companies and have a chance to move up in the organization. Liberty says “Our society doesn’t value family”.

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Mark Sanders: The evils of pornography
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Mark Sanders is an addiction counselor at St. Raphael’s and he explains how pornography is addictive and that it can rewire the brain. According to Mark the average age of a child’s first exposure to pornography is 10 to 12 years old.