
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Father Basil Nortz: Holy Silence
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
"Someone can think they're sitting in a Chapel in silence and Adoration, but still inside their head, they have all kinds of noise," said Fr. Basil Nortz, author of the new book "Holy Silence: A Practical Guide to Recollection in God. "It's important to go through steps to achieve beneficial silence. Fr. Basil Nortz masterfully builds upon the classic reflections of Sr. Marie-Aimée de Jésus, a nineteenth-century spiritual mystic and Carmelite nun, on the twelve degrees of silence. By cultivating these types of silence, you will find out how you can — even amid your busy days filled with chatter, commotion, and noise — listen to the voice of God.
In these profound pages you will find ways to overcome your fear of silence and discover:
- Keys to obeying God’s will
- Kinds of silence that are holy and kinds that are unholy
- Ten tips on what to do — and what to avoid — to bridle your senses
- Seven ways to guard your imagination and foster recollection
- How to direct your emotions with reason and foster silence of the heart
- Effective ways of responding to injustice
To learn more, visit https://sophiainstitute.com/product/holy-silence/

Monday Aug 21, 2023
Teresa Mull: Woke-proof your life
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
"Wokeness is basically an ideology that uses noble goals and manipulates them to control others and bring about evil in the world," said Teresa Mull, author of "Woke Proof Your Life", a new book from Sophia Institute Press. "I've also been saying it's essentially political correctness on steroids. It's just another name for radical liberalism." Americans are burned out, on edge and nostalgic for the time before bullying progressives turned every aspect of our lives into a radical social cause. This book provides practical, woke-proof ways in which the silenced majority--which feels disoriented, if not overmatched--can finally stand up and restore America's values and culture.
Learn more about Teresa Mull and her new book at https://sophiainstitute.com/product/how-to-woke-proof-your-life/

Monday Aug 14, 2023
Dr. Paul Chaloux: Dying without fear
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
"If people are fearful (of dying), it's because they don't have a relationship with God and that makes all the difference in the attitude," said Dr. Paul Chaloux, author of the new book "Dying Without Fear."
Dr. Chaloux was a chemical engineer for over 30 years and, in 2015, after earning a master’s degree in religious education from Fordham University and retiring from IBM, Paul was accepted into the PhD program at the Catholic University of America to study Catechetics, with the goal of teaching future catechists. However, his plans changed dramatically when he was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson’s Disease just after moving to Washington, DC for his studies. His new neurologist, after learning that Paul was studying theology, asked him why people suffer. He had no answer since it was not his intended field of study, but the question intrigued him enough to cause him to take up the subject. Five years later, having earned his PhD in moral theology, Dr. Chaloux wrote Why We Suffer for general audiences as a follow on to his dissertation, The Grace Concealed in Suffering: Developing Virtue and Beatitude, which he defended at CUA on March 5, 2020.
Dr. Chaloux currently teaches theology as an adjunct professor at the Catholic University of America and serves as a catechist at St. Agnes Parish in Arlington, Virginia. He has been married for over thirty years to his wife Sue and they have 4 adult children and 2 granddaughters.
To learn more, visit: https://sophiainstitute.com/product/dying-without-fear/

Monday Aug 07, 2023
Mary Beth Bracy: Beautiful vocation life
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Mary Beth Bracy is a consecrated virgin of the Diocese of Ogdensburg, New York. She is a writer who is blessed to research, publish and speak extensively on various aspects of Catholic spirituality. Her books include Behold the Lamb, Bread of Life and The Little Way of Healing Love Through the Passion of Jesus: The Stations of the Cross with St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Mary Beth has written articles for numerous Catholic publications and recorded some Catholic talks.
Recently, she helped launch Friendship Groups, a place to bring people together, read a book and ask questions of fellow participants and guest speakers.The response in people signing up for the Friendship Group has been wonderful and demonstrated that there is a real hunger for this type of spiritual enrichment opportunity. Monthly meetings will follow with opportunities to read other life-changing literature through November and, based on the response, the Friendship Group may continue into the future. An Oblate priest will present at each meeting and answer participants’ questions. Discussion questions will be sent out prior to the meeting to help members further glean from the experience.
Information on joining the group is available here. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at mbracy@sophiainstitute.com I look forward to welcoming you and growing together in this exciting spiritual adventure!

Monday Jul 31, 2023
Father Donald Calloway: Finding St. Joseph
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
"God is still with us. He hasn't abandoned us and we're going to be imitating Him on some level by going into the Garden with him at Gethsemane," said Father Donald Calloway, Vocation Director of the Marians of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. Father Calloway is author of 15 books, including a new one called Consecration to St. Joseph, the Wonders of Our Spiritual Father. In the midst of crisis, confusion, and a world at war with the Church, it's time to come home again to our spiritual father, St. Joseph. In this richly researched and lovingly presented program of consecration to St. Joseph, Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, brings to life the wonders, the power, and the ceaseless love of St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church and the Terror of Demons. "We have to resemble our Lord and it seems like right now he's offering that chalice to drink it to the last drop because these are crazy times we're living in."
Follow Father Calloway at https://fathercalloway.com

Monday Jul 24, 2023
Anthony DeStefano: Transforming yourself from head to soul
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
"If you really want people to stop making excuses and help them to do things right for a change and get back on track and do something radical like change their lives for the better, then you have to be a straight shooter. You've got to use tough love. I think that as long as they know that you're really, really trying to help them and maybe even on some level you love them, they yearn for tough talk. They want hear from people who have certitude," said Andrew DeStefano, returning guest and author of the new book 30 Days to Your New Life: A Guide to Transforming Yourself from Head to Soul. "One of the chapters is to get off your pity party and stop complaining. We all have to complain once in a while, but there comes a time when you really want turn things around and complaining paralyzes us and stops us from taking any productive action."
To learn more about DeStafano's other books, both for adults and children, visit anthonydestafano.com.

Monday Jul 17, 2023
Danielle Heckenkamp: His Glory, not ours
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
"There really isn't a middle ground. The world makes us think you can have it all. But, you can't ...and ultimately, what you want to have is God. You have to pick a side and, if you pick the side of truth and love, you can help yourself and help others," said Danielle Heckenkamp, wife, mother of six and author of many articles related to motherhood, modernity and Catholicism. "We need to help children understand what talents God gave them and what he wants them to do with those talents. And, ultimately, those talents need to lead you and other souls to heaven. By focusing on all talents, all of which are graces from God, we need to find what he wants us to do with them for His glory, not for our glory.
Read more pieces from Danielle at Catholic Mom, OnePeterFIve, and Catholic Exchange.

Monday Jul 10, 2023
David Bonagura: The promise of the cross
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
"Living out the faith and passing it on is more an action of something that is caught rather than taught," says David G. Bonagura, Jr., an adjunct professor of classical languages at St. Joseph's Seminary, New York, and adjunct professor of theology at Catholic Distance University. In his new article in the Catholic World Report: "Can Catholicism be passed along without Catholic Culture?" Bonagura argues that faith needs to be cultivated by more than "simply" going to Mass. It needs to be passed along through tradition and action. "Fast forward to today when we don't have those things. It's much more difficult for faith to take root because there's nothing supporting the supernatural element." Bonagura continues, "What did Christ promise us? He didn't promise us roses and victories in this life. He promised us the cross. The cross is the means to the Resurrection and fighting things like this difficult culture - that's part of the cross. It's not easy to do but it's how our Lord chooses to sanctify us. That's His means of crucifying us to the world so that we can share in the glory of Easter. There's no Easter without Good Friday, as unpleasant as Good Friday may be, nevertheless, we have to do it. That's what He asks. Just like He did it. We do it in imitation of Him."
Learn more about Bonagura's writings and work at https://www.davidgbonagurajr.com

Monday Jul 03, 2023
Gil Bailie: Revival through religious tradition
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Monday Jul 03, 2023
"(In my new book) I analyze the crisis of the self, that as our Christian patrimony has been lost, many of our contemporaries have become slavishly obedient to political or ideological or sexual doctrines which make the parting of the Red Sea or the Resurrection of Christ seem perfectly logical by comparison," said Gil Bailie, Founder of the Cornerstone Forum and author of the forthcoming book, The Apocalypse of the Sovereign Self: Recovering the Christian Mystery of Personhood, (2023). "We're in a civilizational crisis because our culture depends entirely on the health and vitality of our Christian patrimony and today Western Civilization is hanging by a thread." Bailie continues, "I'm not an optimist by any means but I am hopeful and I do have confidence in the power of our religious tradition to revive and begin the reconstitution of our culture."
Find other works by Gil Bailie at https://cornerstoneforum.org/gil-bailie/

Monday Jun 26, 2023
Sarah Parshall Perry: Busting the woke wall
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
"We have to ask questions. You've got to make a nuisance of yourself. You've got to start with your kids. That's the only way we can take this back," said Sarah Parshall Perry, Senior Legal Fellow for the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation. Reflecting on the situation facing parents now she reflects, "This is not a game any of us can afford to sit out. We've got to do our homework. You've got to ask questions of your elected representative, of your school board, of your local and state and federal politicians. This is a time to be as active as possible."
Parshall Perry continues, "We still trust that corporations, medical providers, educators and politicians might still have our best interest at mind and we're learning, painfully, that's not the case and so it's time for us to be the advocate top to bottom."
Follow Parshall Perry on twitter @sarahpperry and at the Heritage Foundation at heritage.org.