Monday Sep 09, 2024
RLR Interview with Jim Valois: The Inspiring Story of Charlene Marie Richard
Monday Sep 09, 2024
Monday Sep 09, 2024
Jim Valois holds a B.A. in Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville. His articles and book reviews have been featured in The Wanderer Newspaper, Soul Magazine (World Apostolate of Fatima, USA), and Catholic Life Magazine. He is the author of Our Lady's Prophecies and reverted to the Catholic faith from Evangelicalism while studying at Franciscan University. Jim is a husband and father of two adult children. He has worked in business and previously served in youth ministry in both teaching and administrative roles.
In this discussion, Jim shares the inspiring story of Charlene Marie Richard, a young Cajun Catholic farm girl who died over 60 years ago at the age of 12 after a painful battle with leukemia. Charlene was known for her bright, generous and exuberant spirit. Even in her suffering, she served God by offering up her pain to help others—a practice known as redemptive suffering. Many believe she is a saint, with over 1,600 testimonials of miracles attributed to her intercession. Jim highlights how saints and holy people have historically offered their suffering to God for the redemption of others. He adds, "We may not always feel like we can offer up every single time we experience a suffering, but even if we could do it some of the time....direct it and offer it and give it to God and let him do what He can do with it."
Jim Valois books can be found here: https://catholicexchange.com/author/jim-valois/
Monday Sep 02, 2024
Monday Sep 02, 2024
"Early primers for learning how to read included the 10 Commandments... but in 1980, someone had a problem with it and raised it to the Supreme Court, which ruled that the 10 Commandments should not be part of the public space. Now there's something really critically missing now," said Ed Van Buskirk, the Founder and President of If U Love Me, a Catholic apostolate dedicated to teaching the wisdom of the Ten Commandments. "Now in our culture, we don't know the truth of God's moral laws. They've been pushed to the side and we look around and say we need something to tell us what is right and wrong so, in our mere human wisdom...relativism has become the order of the day and it's caused a lot of hardship, division and isolation. It leads us away from God." Van Buskirk is the author of the book and video course on the Ten Commandments, God’s Recipe for a Wonderful Life and creator of the “God’s Recipe for School and Family,” a program that teaches the Ten Commandments to school children and their families. He speaks nationwide and has been featured at the Kansas City-St. Joseph diocesan Eucharistic Congress. He also has written numerous articles that have appeared in Catholic Exchange.
Learn more about Van Buskirk's ministry at https://ifuloveme.org.
Monday Aug 26, 2024
Monday Aug 26, 2024
"If you don't know what you're talking about, you won't be able to convince anyone to take you seriously, no matter how pious you seem or how good your works are. If people can see that you lack understanding, they won't listen," asserts David Paul Deavel, an Associate Professor of Theology at the University of St. Thomas-Houston. Prof. Deavel is a prolific and widely published writer.
In addition to his book Solzhenitsyn and American Culture: The Russian Soul in the West, his academic work has appeared in journals such as Chesterton Review, Chicago Studies, and Faith and Reason. In his new article, which he discusses with Deacon Geoff, "Theology is Not Trivial Pursuit," Deavel argues that "Simply knowing doctrines is not the same as living them. Even believing them to be true isn’t enough. 'You believe that God is one,' St. James writes in his Epistle; 'you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder' (James 2:19). But knowing that 'God is one' is not a mere obscure factoid for a trivia game."
Deavel was recently named Chair of the Theology Department. He assumes this leadership role at a time when the department is pioneering a new curriculum for its M.A. program in Historical Theology and continues its collaboration with St. Mary’s Seminary to form priests, deacons, and laypeople equipped to serve Christ and His Church with both head and heart.
Read his latest article at https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2024/08/01/theology-is-not-a-trivial-pursuit/
Monday Aug 19, 2024
RLR Interview with Patrick O'Hearn: The Holy Eucharist is Not Loved
Monday Aug 19, 2024
Monday Aug 19, 2024
“It's like the more we worship ourselves, and we certainly see this on social media, the less we worship God,” says Patrick O'Hearn, a devout Catholic, husband and father. "Most of the time I'm just telling Jesus what I think, even complaining to him. How often do I say to the Lord "What do you want from me? What do you need from me?" In his new new article in Catholic Exchange, How the Eucharist is Not Loved, Patrick confronts the reality that most Catholics fail to spend enough time adoring and revering our Lord. Patrick is an author, literary consultant, speaker and a freelance editor, previously serving as TAN Books' acquisitions editor for two years. He grew up in the Midwest and spent close to three years in a Benedictine Monastery before discerning the call to marriage. He graduated with a master's in education from Franciscan University of Steubenville and a bachelor's in marketing from St. Ambrose University. "
To learn more, visit https://patrickrohearn.com.
Monday Aug 12, 2024
RLR Interview with Leila Miller: It’s Good to Preach to the Choir
Monday Aug 12, 2024
Monday Aug 12, 2024
“Then finally I started to realize that the Catholics that I interact with are dying to know more about the faith. We have so many Catholics in America that if we simply get them on fire for the truth, we’d win the whole rest of the world because we really have a gold mine just with the people who are Catholic in in in sitting in the pews,” said Leila Miller, a Catholic writer and author whose passion is Church teaching on marriage, family, human sexuality. In her new article https://crisismagazine.com/opinion/its-good-to-preach-to-the-choir in Crisis Magazine. Leila is a prolific author and loves to discuss culture, society, and politics, and generally from a conservative perspective. She has published four books: Primal Loss: The Now-Adult Children of Divorce Speak; Raising Chaste Catholic Men: Practical Advice, Mom to Mom; Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today’s Tough Moral Issues (co-authored with Trent Horn of Catholic Answers); and her latest, “Impossible” Marriages Redeemed: They Didn’t End the Story in the Middle.
Learn more and read all of her articles at https://www.leilamiller.net
It’s Good to Preach to the Choir
Do not let anyone discourage us or tell us that it’s redundant, unnecessary, or foolish to speak the truth among our fellow Catholics.
Monday Aug 05, 2024
RLR Interview with Suellen Brewster: Does People Pleasing Lead to Holiness?
Monday Aug 05, 2024
Monday Aug 05, 2024
"The Lord put it on my heart to write this article after He showed it to me and revealed it to my heart that this was a fault that I have and that it's something that's keeping me from being closer to Him and doing His will in my life," said Suellen Brewster, author of the new article "Does People Pleasing Lead to Holiness at catholicexchange.com. "It (constant people pleasing) is a way that doesn't work in the long run because the frame is constantly changing and shifting and you are continually trying to figure out another person's mind and that's never a good place to go. It's much better to figure out what God wants me to do." Suellen is a wife, mother and happy revert to the Catholic faith. She helps lead the local Ignatian Exercises and is a member of the Dominican laity. Suellen writes from her home outside of Buffalo, New York, where the long winters invite souls into quiet prayer and reflection.
Read her latest article here: https://catholicexchange.com/does-people-pleasing-lead-to-holiness/
Monday Jul 29, 2024
RLR interview with Doug Mainwaring: LifeSiteNews.com
Monday Jul 29, 2024
Monday Jul 29, 2024
"I think if more and more people could argue these issues from a child's perspective, we might be able to change some hearts," said Doug Mainwaring, author of a new article at LifeSiteNews.com about Scholastic's new "pride" guide calling on children as young as kindergarten to become involved in the LGBTQA+ effort. "Timeless truths are being discarded by media, by politicians, by corporations and instead we're being fed under the guise of tolerance a whole array of new understandings that we're supposed to embrace about marriage, family and humanity. This is a huge battle." Doug Mainwaring is a journalist for LifeSiteNews, an author and a marriage, family and children's rights activist. He has testified before the United States Congress and state legislative bodies, originated and co-authored amicus briefs for the United States Supreme Court and has been a guest on numerous TV and radio programs. Doug and his family live in the Washington, DC suburbs.
Read his articles at https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/author/doug-mainwaring/
Monday Jul 22, 2024
RLR interview with Bishop Athanasius Schneider: Flee from Heresy
Monday Jul 22, 2024
Monday Jul 22, 2024
"Society is lost and confused about God, morality, and eternity," said Bishop Schneider in his new book Flee from Heresy. "Catholics face persecution, from outside and inside the Church, for living their Faith. In his newest book, Bishop Athanasius Schneider — raised among persecuted Catholics in the Soviet Union — offers a systematic treatment of more than 130 doctrinal errors, from ancient times down to our own day, along with English translations of the Church’s major anti-heresy documents of the past two centuries. In this fascinating book, readers will discover the ideological roots of our own unsteady times and be better equipped to “test all things; hold fast what is good” (1 Thess. 5:21).
To learn more about Bishop Schneider and his new book, visit https://sophiainstitute.com/product/flee-from-heresy/
Monday Jul 15, 2024
Patti Maguire Armstrong: Nine Points of Advice to Fight the Devil
Monday Jul 15, 2024
Monday Jul 15, 2024
"If you're worried about everyone liking you so you don't say anything, then it's yourself you are worried about and caring about. It takes courage to speak up," says Patti (Maguire) Armstrong in this week's podcast. "Leave it to God and pray to the Holy Spirit. I don't know where to begin. I don't know who I'm supposed to sit next to but God does. And He can put us into the right places and, if we give Him permission to use us, He will." Patti and Deacon Geoff were talking about her article in the National Catholic Register "Nine Points of Advice to Fight the Devil."
Patti is an award-winning journalist and was managing editor and co-author of the bestselling Amazing Grace Series. Her latest books are the humorous and inspirational second-edition Dear God, I Don't Get It, Dear God, You Can't Be Serious!, What Would Monica Do? and Holy Hacks. Patti worked in social work and public administration before staying home as a freelance writer while she and Mark raised their 10 children in North Dakota. Follow her on Twitter (X) at @PattiArmstrong and read her blog at PattiMaguireArmstrong.com.
Monday Jul 08, 2024
Michael Warren Davis: After Christendom
Monday Jul 08, 2024
Monday Jul 08, 2024
"There is no political, cultural or economic solution to the crisis we're facing because the crisis is not political, cultural or economic because it's spiritual. We're losing a spiritual battle. We're losing a war for the soul of the West. Everything else flows from that," says Michael Warren Davis, author of the upcoming book After Christendom. "Everything that flows from that the economic injustice, the cultural depravity, the moral decadence, the political corruption… all of that comes because we collectively as western civilization have rejected Jesus Christ. Until we commit our whole lives to the service of heaven, then nothing will change, nothing will get better." Davis is a contributing editor of The American Conservative and the author of The Reactionary Mind (Regnery, 2021). He previously served as editor of Crisis Magazine and U.S. editor of the Catholic Herald of London. His next book, After Christendom, will be published by Sophia Institute Press. Follow his Substack newsletter, The Common Man.