
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Ken Craycraft: The Biden administration will put Christians on notice
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
President-elect Joe Biden "certainly has no interest in following the Church's teaching on anything. Even to the extent that it might coincide — some of his positions — with Catholic Church teaching, it's not informed by Church teaching, it's informed rather by [the] Democratic Party platform," said Ken Craycraft, author of the recent First Things article, "What Christians can expect from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris."
Craycraft, an attorney, was recently named the James J. Gardner Family Chair of Moral Theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology in Cincinnati. Follow him @kcraycraft on Twitter.

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Joe Heschmeyer: Why are we Catholic and why the papacy?
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
"It is a time where a lot of people are asking hard questions about the papacy. At the same time, people are asking ordinary Catholics, 'Well, why are you still Catholic?' I think it's a really good question to ask. And I think it's a question that [as] Catholics, we should embrace that opportunity to really share: why are we Catholic and what does the papacy have to do with that?" said Joe Heschmeyer, author of the recent book, "Pope Peter: Defending the Church's Most Distinctive Doctrine in a Time of Crisis" (Catholic Answers Press) and an instructor with the Holy Family School of Faith.

Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Fr. Vincent Lampert: An exorcism is a prayer to God
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
“An exorcism at its very core is a prayer. It's a prayer directed to God, who is asked to bring relief into the life of the person. In extreme cases, it's a command given to a demon, commanding it to depart based on the power of the authority of Jesus Christ. But again, it's all about bringing healing into the life of people who are suffering," said Fr. Vincent P. Lampert, a priest in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, an exorcist, and author of the recent book, "Exorcism: The Battle Against Satan and His Demons" (Emmaus Road Publishing).

Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Ralph Martin: The biggest crisis in the world revealed
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
The biggest crisis in the world “is alienation from God, rebellion against God, it's not believing in Jesus Christ, it's not accepting the offer of mercy and salvation that God's offering to the human race. The primary mission of the Church is not to improve the world. We should absolutely apply the social teaching of the Church, out of charity in all these different areas. But the primary purpose of the Church is to lift up Jesus Christ and call all people, everywhere, to believe in Him and repent," said Ralph Martin, president of Renewal Ministries and author of books, including the recent "A Church in Crisis: Pathways Forward" (Emmaus Road Publishing).

Thursday Nov 12, 2020
David Deavel: What Solzhenitsyn can teach a divided America
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
"Gradually, it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either — but right through every human heart — and through all human hearts," wrote Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the Russian dissident, author and Nobel Prize winner, who died in 2008.
In this episode of Respect Life Radio, the life and legacy of Solzhenitsyn is recounted by David Deavel, Ph.D., co-editor of the recently released book, "Solzhenitsyn and American Culture: The Russian Soul in the West" (Notre Dame Press) and editor of "Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture."
Deavel was previously a guest on Respect Life Radio in a two-part series on
"A Catholic critique of socialism." Part 1 is at this link and Part 2 is at this link.

Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Anne Hendershott: Overcoming the politics of envy
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
"There's a whole lot of envy going on and we're seeing symbols of envy," said Anne Hendershott, professor of sociology at Franciscan University, director of the Veritas Center for Ethics in Public Life and author of the recent book, "The Politics of Envy," published by Sophia Institute Press. Follow her @AnneHendershott on Twitter.

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Michael Warsaw of EWTN: Voting for life is preeminent issue
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
"People have to vote for life. There's no question about that. Life is the preeminent issue," said Michael Warsaw, chairman and CEO of Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), the world's largest religious media network, and publisher of the National Catholic Register. "That is part of the vision, and the difference in vision, between the two parties and their candidates. And that is what we need to be voting for when we cast our ballot."
Warsaw wrote a recent column in the National Catholic Register titled, "Voting for a Vision, Not a Person."

Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Kathleen Beckman: A Family Guide to Spiritual Warfare
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
"How is my relationship doing with my loved ones and what can I do to help each and every single person in my family experience the love of God, the affirmation and the encouragement? And are there any living within my home who are not experiencing true liberation in Jesus Christ — or are they bound up in something, whether it's pornography or other things...," said Kathleen Beckman, author of A Family Guide to Spiritual Warfare: Strategies for Deliverance and Healing.
Beckman is a "Catholic evangelist, best-selling author, writer, speaker, radio host, and Ignatian retreat director," according to her website, kathleenbeckman.com.

Friday Oct 16, 2020
Raymond Arroyo: Discovering "The Spider Who Saved Christmas"
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
"The Spider Who Saved Christmas" speaks to children as a "thrill ride of a story but to adults, it tells a very different tale about family and love and sacrifice," said Raymond Arroyo, author of the new book about the legend, which is the number one bestseller in Catholicism on Amazon.com.
Arroyo is "an internationally known, award-winning journalist, producer, and New York Times Bestselling author," according to his website, as well as managing editor of EWTN News and anchor of The World Over. Follow him on Twitter @RaymondArroyo.

Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Dr. Kathi Aultman: The goal of late-term abortion is a child's death
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Late-term abortion is "not what the normal OB/GYN would do," said Kathi Aultman, M.D., a former abortionist. "Even when the mother's life is in danger, you wouldn't do a late-term abortion. You would do a C-section or an induction and deliver the baby. And you would try to take care of the baby the best you can. Even if the baby has fetal anomalies, you would deliver the baby and take care of it. You wouldn't try to do a late-term abortion. It actually takes two to three days to be able to do a late-term abortion anyway...Why would you do something like that unless your ultimate goal is the death of the child?"
Aultman is a "retired Board-Certified OB/Gyn and is currently an Associate Scholar with the Charlotte Lozier Institute." Among her writings is, "Why I Am No Longer An Abortionist."
Earlier in the interview on Respect Life Radio, she said, "I suddenly saw myself as a mass murderer. I understand how the Nazis could do what they did. Because I was doing it. It all came down to whether or not you feel a group is human or not. They didn't feel the Jews and the Russians and the others were human. And I didn't feel fetuses were human. So I didn't have any remorse — at the time. I didn't feel guilty — at the time. It wasn't until then when I realized what I had been doing. And that's when I became prolife."
Proposition 115 on the Nov. 3 ballot would end late-term abortion in Colorado, with an exception for the life of the mother. For more on Prop. 115, go to RespectLifeDenver.org and also see YesProp115.com. For an archive of past episodes of Respect Life Radio, go to RespectLifeRadio.com.