Monday Nov 18, 2024
Monday Nov 18, 2024
In today’s episode we conclude the third segment of three-part series based on the Ten Commandments with Ed Van Buskirk. Each human life is good and is worth upholding seeing that God created us in His likeness and image. The importance of understanding how our words and actions directly impact how others are affirmed in their dignity directly stems from the state of our relationship with God. In the exploration of the last seven commandments Ed explains the call to action of pursuing virtue. Virtue is attractive and is essential when drawing others toward the truth rooted in the Ten Commandments.
To learn more about Ed and his work visit https://ifuloveme.org
Monday Oct 28, 2024
Monday Oct 28, 2024
"The Ten Commandments are all about relationships. The first three commandments pertain to our relationship with God...and the next seven pertain to our relationships with one another," explains Ed Van Buskirk, Founder and President of If U Love Me. Established in 2018 by Ed, If U Love Me is a nonprofit organization dedicated to restoring the truth and wisdom of God's Ten Commandments in a world of confusion. As a Catholic apostolate, it focuses on teaching the timeless truths of the commandments to bring clarity and direction. In this podcast, Ed explores how each commandment serves as God's guidance for safeguarding our relationships with Him and with others. He emphasizes that these relationships are sacred and are the source of true joy in life.
Monday Sep 02, 2024
Monday Sep 02, 2024
"Early primers for learning how to read included the 10 Commandments... but in 1980, someone had a problem with it and raised it to the Supreme Court, which ruled that the 10 Commandments should not be part of the public space. Now there's something really critically missing now," said Ed Van Buskirk, the Founder and President of If U Love Me, a Catholic apostolate dedicated to teaching the wisdom of the Ten Commandments. "Now in our culture, we don't know the truth of God's moral laws. They've been pushed to the side and we look around and say we need something to tell us what is right and wrong so, in our mere human wisdom...relativism has become the order of the day and it's caused a lot of hardship, division and isolation. It leads us away from God." Van Buskirk is the author of the book and video course on the Ten Commandments, God’s Recipe for a Wonderful Life and creator of the “God’s Recipe for School and Family,” a program that teaches the Ten Commandments to school children and their families. He speaks nationwide and has been featured at the Kansas City-St. Joseph diocesan Eucharistic Congress. He also has written numerous articles that have appeared in Catholic Exchange.
Learn more about Van Buskirk's ministry at https://ifuloveme.org.